Be Sure to Avoid These Common Signage Mistakes for Your Business

The signs you use to advertise your business are very important. Without high-quality signs, potential customers and clients can easily drive right by your location or miss out on knowing about a current sale or special that you're offering. When you are ready to create any type of signage for your business, note a few common mistakes you'll want to avoid making so you know get a sign that works for you and that you'll be happy with for years to come.

Spelling and grammar

It's surprising how often a business sign will contain incorrect spelling or poor grammar, which makes your business look unprofessional and unwelcoming. Never assume a sign company will correct these errors; not only might their workers be just as confused as you when it comes to proper spelling and grammar, but they might also assume that you're trying to be humorous or are making the mistake on purpose for some reason. To ensure that your sign doesn't look unprofessional because of poor spelling or grammar, ask someone with proofreading skills to review it, even if the sign is just a few words long. It's also good to double-check the spelling of your business, street name, website and the like before your sign goes to print.


When designing a sign, be sure that the spacing between letters and words doesn't make it difficult to read. If words are too close together or the spacing between them is uneven, someone reading the sign may not be able to understand what it's actually saying. For example, a restaurant sign that should say 'pies and cakes', may be misread as 'pie sand cake', and potential customers pass up your establishment because they don't understand what your business is offering.

Decoration and logo

While you may want to add your logo or a decorative touch to your sign, you need to be careful about how these will also affect the appearance of the sign itself. For example, if you prepare tax returns, you might think of putting a decorative circle around the letter 't' in 'taxes', assuming it will make the sign more eye-catching. However, this might separate that letter from the word too much, and potential customers may only be able to read the word 'axes'. They may then assume you have an entirely different type of business! Be cautious about using these added elements on your sign and consider how visitors will see it from a distance, and always use simple, plain lettering that is easy to read.
