3 Costly Signage Mistakes You Need to Avoid for Your Next Event

Signage is a critical piece of any event. It helps direct attendees to the right places, provides information about the event, and creates an overall professional look for your gathering. However, if you're not careful, you can easily make costly signage mistakes that will ruin your event. Here are some common signage mistakes and how to avoid them.

Failure to Proofread Your Signs Carefully

Make sure you always proofread your signs before ordering them. This may seem like an obvious step, but it's often overlooked. A sign is not only a reflection of your event but also of your brand. As such, a sign with typos or incorrect information may look unprofessional. It could also cause confusion and frustration for attendees.

When proofreading your sign, take your time to check for vague wording, incorrect information, and awkward phrasing. These errors can be easily missed, but they can make a big difference in how your sign is received.

If you're not confident in your proofreading abilities, consider having someone else check your sign for errors. A second set of eyes can be invaluable in catching mistakes. This way, you can be sure that your sign is free of any errors before it's printed.

Not Ordering Enough Signs

When ordering your signs, make sure to factor in how many you'll need. You can never have too many signs, but you may find yourself in a difficult situation if you don't have enough.

Consider how many sign placements there will be and how many signs you'll need for each placement. It's better to order a few extra signs than to scramble for more at the last minute.

If you're not sure how many signs you'll need, contact your sign supplier for help. They can advise you on the best number of signs for your event and help ensure that you have enough signage to meet your needs.

Pro-tip: If you have any leftover signs after your event, don't throw them away! You can use them for future events or donate them to a local organization.

Not Considering Sign Placement and Viewing Angles

When planning your sign placement, it's important to consider sign placement and viewing angles. If your sign is placed in a spot where it's difficult to see or the angle makes it difficult to read, attendees will be frustrated.

Take the time to plan out your sign placement and make sure that all the signs are visible and easy to read. For instance, say you're setting up a sign to direct attendees to the event entrance. If the sign is placed too close to the ground, people may not be able to see it. Or, if the sign is placed behind a column, people may have difficulty reading it.

In general, it's best to place signs at eye level. This will make them easier for people to see and read.

Correct placement and viewing angles are especially important for directional signs. After all, the whole point of these signs is to help people find their way around. If the sign is difficult to see or read, it defeats the purpose.

For more information, contact a local signage supplier
